22-0601 LA 2201

lala Berlin

"Celebrating Differences"

E-commerce / Fashion
lala Berlin - Celebrating differences
Als Verfechter von Vielfalt betrachtet lala Berlin Stil aus einer inklusiven und internationalen Perspektive. Um das Online-Geschäft des Berliner Modelabels voranzutreiben, haben wir seine digitale visuelle Identität neu gestaltet und ein modernes Einkaufserlebnis geschaffen, das von seiner kompromisslosen, hochwertigen Ästhetik inspiriert ist.
lala Berlin - Celebrating differences
lala Berlin - Celebrating differences
lala Berlin - Celebrating differences
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
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