19-1804 SQ 1901


"A fresh go-to-market approach"

Campaigns / Technology
Squarespace, das führende amerikanische Unternehmen für Website-Entwicklung, wollte seine Markenbekanntheit in Deutschland steigern und Abonnenten gewinnen. Squarespace beauftragte uns mit der Erstellung einer forschungsbasierten Studie über die deutsche Kreativszene, um eine Kampagnenstrategie und Botschaften zu entwickeln, die bei den deutschen Nutzern ankommen.
S01SingleAsset: Missing data
Squarespace - A fresh go-to-market approach
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
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