20-2010 THC 2001

The Hairoine Company

"A hair care brand for confident women"

Branding / Beauty
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company wurde mit der Idee gegründet, Branchenstandards zu durchbrechen und neue Maßstäbe im Beauty-Markt zu setzen – angefangen damit, Kundinnen so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Um sich als One-Stop-Shop für hochwirksame, natürliche Haarpflege zu positionieren, haben wir eine neue Markenstrategie mit weiblicher Perspektive entwickelt.
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
The Hairoine Company - A hair care brand for confident women
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
"All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now." – Rick Rubin
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